Commission awards funding to 18 European sustainable mobility initiatives

As part of its three-year Sustainable Urban Mobility campaign “Do The Right Mix”, the European Commission has today released the names of another 18 campaigner-led actions to be awarded funding. Each action will receive up to EUR 7000, which can be used to strengthen activities promoting sustainable urban mobility, from cycling courses, to car-sharing, fun activities for children and more.

European Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport said, ‘Creating a sustainable urban mobility culture is a challenge. But after the success of the first call for funding in 2012, we know that there are countless Europeans ready to take up that challenge. We want to support as many of them as we can, helping them to make positive grassroots changes.’

Since the launch of the campaign in 2012, nearly 380 sustainable urban mobility actions have been registered on the central website. The ongoing and upcoming actions are displayed on the innovative Mobility Map, which provides Europe-wide visibility for campaigners. The second call for funding saw 74 applications from 18 eligible countries.. The third and final call for sustainable mobility funding will open in March 2014.

Similarly to last year, groups of individuals as well as non-commercial entities (schools, NGOs, public administrations, etc) were eligible to apply. Campaigners in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Romania and the UK were, however, not invited to apply as these countries already receive targeted support for setting up national campaigns. Successful applicants were selected by a panel of expert judges, all experienced in the field of sustainable mobility

The European Commission’s Sustainable Urban Mobility campaign is linked to the European Mobility Week, which runs from 16 to 22 September every year and culminates in the ’In Town Without My Car!’ day. The campaign is funded through the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme – the EU’s support programme for non-technological actions in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Source: European Commission

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