CLEPA will participate at the EC Stakeholder workshop for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM)

Europe has set ambitious 5G deployment objectives in the 5G Action Plan from 2016 as well as for pan-European 5G Corridors for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) in the 3rd Mobility Package from 2018. Participants at the workshop will discuss about the roadmap towards these targets, building on the Connecting Europe Facility Digital Programme proposed for the next financial period 2021-2027.


During the Workshop, to be held next 7 February, CLEPA will present the role of the automotive suppliers on this development. How can connectivity for CAM be financed, deployed and used, including a discussion of the possible models matching the different categories of services and geographical areas (telco investing, co-investment telco/automotive sectors, multi-party investment including road operators, Member States, etc)


The deployment of 5G connectivity infrastructure along major transport paths in Europe is seen as an important enabler of connected and automated mobility (CAM) solutions in Europe. Recognising this strong potential, the European Commission, in its 5G Action Plan for Europe, has set ambitious connectivity targets for 2025 with a view to achieving uninterrupted 5G coverage along major transport paths, roads and railways.


The current period is critical, with 5G launch expected for 2020 in Europe and major 5G cross-border trial projects starting. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital as part of the Commission’s 2021-2027 budget proposal foresees an ambitious public-private co-investment in 5G cross-border corridors.


This means that a common understanding for such an investment agenda, which requires cooperation by many actors has to be developed now.


Against this background, the workshop will discuss in three panels the main issues related to the Strategic Deployment Agenda, which is currently under development under the umbrella of the 5G-PPP Automotive Working Group. These range from the objectives and cooperation models up to regulatory issues including spectrum, co-investment and network sharing as well as net neutrality in line with the European regulatory frameworks.



This workshop is open to all interested parties involved in 5G and CAM, and in particular stakeholders from the automotive industry and the telecom/IT sector, road infrastructure operators, technology/service innovators, public authorities, infrastructure investors, road safety authorities, public transport operators, manufacturers of road signage installations, road police authorities and regulatory authorities in charge of electronic communications.

The Commission will reserve the right to limit the number of attendants by organisation in order to ensure a balanced representation of key stakeholders. Participation via webstream will be possible.


Source: European Commission, CLEPA

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