Automotive Industry usage of SDSComXML for the electronic exchange of Safety Data Sheets
REACH and CLP (Classification and Labeling of Chemicals) are two EU directives that have direct influence on the content of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) requirements. CLP requires, for example, new hazard and precaution sentences, and uses new symbols. All SDS for mixtures have to use the new classification and labeling by June 2015, at the latest.
It is envisaged that there will be an increase in effort and cost along the supply chain. The up and downstream communication and company internal hazardous material management will rise. To minimise the administrative burden and therewith costs, it is essential to switch to a paperless SDS communication between manufacturers, importers and downstream users.
In 2010, the Automotive Associations ACEA, JAMA, KAMA & CLEPA have already adopted the position that the XML-based electronic data exchange EDASx is recommended as long-term alternative for communication of the mainbody SDS along the supply chain, replacing the existing paper-based system (link) . Electronic communication means that data are made available in a structured XML format ready for import of the content into the in-house databases.
SDSComXML is the evolution of the former EDASx format (link) which will be stepwise substituted until 2015.
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