ARCADE Project: Joint efforts to deliver smart mobility technologies at the core of milestone event
CLEPA organised a workshop on Vehicle Technologies for Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM), in the context of the European Project ARCADE (Aligning Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe). The online event was supported by ERTICO and VDI/VDE-IT.
During the online event, which took place last 16 June, close to 300 participants were listening to more than 20 industry experts that were presenting the state-of-the-art technologies enabling connected and automated driving.
The event started with an overview of the main takeaways from the project ARCADE and presenting other projects that are building on the outcomes. The project L3 Pilot presented the current status of automation (level 3) and the overview of the CCAM partnership, which is focused on level 4 automation, illustrated the vision of taking connected and automated driving to the next level.
Industry experts presented their latest developments during the two technical sessions. The first session focused on environment perception, decision-making and artificial intelligence, and was moderated by Gereon Meyer (VDI/VDE-IT) and Margriet van Schijndel (TU Eindhoven). The session highlighted the need for collaboration among the different actors and agreed on the common framework to develop key elements in technology, including sensors and data fusion. The role of standardisation was mentioned in the context of supporting market take-up through the setting of common methodologies for testing and validation.

The second session was focused on safety aspects in CCAM such as human-machine interaction, human factors, life-on-board and inclusiveness. Key challenges were discussed, such as the user acceptance of these new technologies, with the discussion between the panellists moderated by David Storer (CLEPA) and Peter Urban (IKA – RWTH Aachen).
During his closing remarks, David Storer highlighted the relevance of having all actors involved and being seated at the table: “We need to ensure that there is an ongoing discussion on these topics. The CCAM Partnership provides the right forum for discussion in Europe, but we need to ensure that the conversation takes place also at the global level, in the spirit of international cooperation, in order to support the development and implementation of these technologies around the world.”
In: CLEPA News, Connectivity & Automation