Anticipating autonomous: The UK’s driverless future

The project Smart Mobility Living Lab: London (SMLL), funded by Innovate UK has recently published a new report on connected and automated vehicles in the United Kingdom.

The publication gathers the views on CAD from 250 transport, technology and automotive industry leaders in the UK. Currently, 65% of them believe that autonomous vehicles will be ready to move around the streets of the country in five years.

In regard to the potential benefits that CAD can bring to the UK, around two-thirds (67%) believe that autonomous vehicles will make British roads safer and 46% cited safety as the main benefit of autonomous vehicles. 49% of respondents said that another benefit of CAD is that elderly people and people with disabilities will become more mobile after the deployment of CAD in the UK. From an economic point of view, 62% believe that CAD will have a positive impact on the UK’s GDP.

The report concludes by saying that the findings of the survey point towards anticipation and expectation rather than fear and confusion for connected and automated driving among the respondents.

More information can be found here.

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