European Truck Platooning Challenge a success



April 7, 2016, CLEPA celebrated the successful conclusion of the Dutch Presidency’s European Truck Platooning Challenge.


The success of the European Truck Platooning Initiative is an important step forward in advancing the use of platooning technology which will not only lower truck operating costs, improve traffic flow but also significantly reduce emissions.


As members of the European Truck Platooning Initiative, CLEPA declares its commitment to help establish the necessary framework conditions for swift and effective implementation of platooning across Europe.


“We will work with all our partners within the European Truck Platooning Initiative to support cross-border platooning initiatives and the wider deployment of platooning services. I am convinced that platooning is in the common interest of society and industry and for the benefit of the environment,” said Paul Schockmel, CLEPA CEO.


Truck platooning is made possible through existing automated driving sensingtechnology in conjunction with vehicle–to-vehicle communication technology. However, platooning development is being hindered by divergent national regulations.


“We want to continue to work together and support further EUTPC and create a dynamic European platooning deployment coordination and cooperation platform, called the ‘Bordeaux Truck Platooning Initiative’ starting from the Bordeaux kick off in October 2015”, said Paul Schockmel.


The European Truck Platooning Challenge was organised by the European Truck Platooning Initiative under the Dutch Presidency, involving organisations from across the transport industry including ACEA, CEDR, EReg, ESC and IRU.


For a pdf version, please click here.


For more information about the platooning challenge, please click here.


Following the success of European Truck Platooning Challenge, EU transport ministers signed the Declaration of Amsterdam which lays down agreements on the steps necessary for the development of self-driving technology in the EU.


For the storybook: European Truck Platooning Challenge 2016 – Creating next generation mobility, please click here.


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