European Automotive Industry Gearing up
CLEPA welcomes the official launch of the High Level Group GEAR2030, the EC consultation process for sectoral policy in the automotive industry.
The High Level Group’s main objective is to develop recommendations which reinforce the competitiveness of the European automotive industry by discussing the main challenges for the automotive industry in the next 10 years.
Member States and representatives of industry, consumers, trade unions environmental protection and road safety will hold a regular dialogue on all matters relating to the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the automotive industry, advise the Commission on policy and formulate a set of sector-specific policy recommendations.
The Group will also support the Commission in identifying key areas which need to be addressed and setting up an action plan at the European level in order to facilitate the roll out of autonomous and automated vehicles.
CLEPA CEO Mr Paul Schockmel said, “European Automotive Suppliers are fully committed to deliver on transport sustainability by improving air quality, energy efficiency and road safety. The automation of driving tasks is one of the emerging technical evolutions which will help in meeting these challenges while contributing to European technological leadership.”
In addition, the Group will focus on subjects such the EU value chain, trade and international harmonisation. It will also generate exchanges of experience and best practices applied in the areas of education and training in the sector, which can serve as a reference for an effective skill development scheme.
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