CLEPA underscores importance for a technology-open approach in discussion on EU CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles  

Brussels, 8 February 2024Ahead of further discussion amongst member states in the Coreper on new CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), CLEPA reinforces its commitment to a technology-open regulation and the deployment of all solutions to reduce CO2 emissions from the freight sector, including renewable fuels. 

CLEPA Secretary General, Benjamin Krieger, states: “We are committed to technology-open regulation, which is the most effective and efficient way to regulate CO2 emissions from transport. Automotive suppliers encourage steps to align the regulation more closely with these principles, a stance we have consistently upheld over past years, not only for cars vans but also extending to trucks.” 

Mr. Krieger goes on to say: “The ability to leverage all technologies, from electrification solutions, including e-trailers, renewable fuels, and hydrogen is crucial for meeting ambitious climate targets and fostering innovation within the automotive industry. We welcome a timely agreement that includes these considerations and progress on already agreed steps for the further development of the regulation for the type-approval of vehicles running exclusively on renewable fuels.”  


About CLEPA 

CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers based in Brussels, represents over 3,000 companies, from multi-nationals to SMEs, supplying state-of-the-art components and innovative technology for safe, smart and sustainable mobility, investing over €30 billion yearly in research and development. Automotive suppliers in Europe directly employ 1.7 million people in the EU. 

Interested in more information? 

You can contact CLEPA’s Head of Strategic Communications Filipa Rio. 


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