Working Group Technical Regulations activities – June 2016
- The 59th session the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) took place from 13-19 June, where the following was discussed:
- Toxicity and flammability – CLEPA proposal was adopted by GRSP, with Final adoption taking place at WP29 session of November 2016.
- Exchange of information on national and international requirements on passive safety.
- The European Commission informed GRSP that the Commission communication on the General safety Regulation review may be published by end of July 2016.
The next 60th GRSP session is scheduled from 13- 16 December 2016.
On materials reporting (IMDS) and related issues:
- The CLEPA IMDS Expert Group met on 8 June 2016. On the agenda:
- Status and next steps on:
- MDS for spare parts for old vehicles
- E/E declaration format IEC 62474
- Ford issues
- Chemistry Manager/ REACH Information in IMDS
- Electronic components
- Materials naming rules
- GADSL Check Box
- Feedback from SUAL meeting (30/5- 2/6 in Tokyo)
- GADSL – Next EU GASG meeting
- REACH-GADSL-IMDS processes
In addition, the Automotive Industry Task Force REACH took please in Berlin from 15 to 16 June 2016. This involved suppliers together with OEMs discussing SDS data quality and SDS compliance guidelines, where the latest version of IMDS-GADSL-REACH TF Flowcharts was presented. Furthermore, feedback was given on: IMDS Chemistry Manager, Evaluation of flame retardants used in vehicles, Substances without unique identifiers, letters on DecaBDE and PFOA, etc.
New Substance Pilots has been announced and is available here.
On Euro NCAP:
CLEPA “mirror groups” preparing CLEPA input on Frontal Impact, Side Impact, Child safety, AEB-Car to Car, AEB-Vulnerable Road Users, Lane Assist Systems regularly met.
On the Euro NCAP 2020 Road Map and preparation of associated protocols, CLEPA experts met on 27 June 2016, while ACEA and CLEPA Task Force experts met on 28 June 2016.
Among the topics discussed were: Frontal impact, Far side occupants, AEB C2C, 3D Target validation, 2018 AEB Vulnerable road User, Whiplash.
The next meeting of ACEA/CLEPA on Euro NCAP will take place 15 November 2016 in Brussels.
And the next Euro NCAP Manufacturers’ Viewing meeting will take place on 23 February 2017 in Brussels.
From 7 to 10 June 2016, the 73rd UN GRPE took place at the United Nations Pollution and Energy Plenary Session.
All documents are available here.
On 17 June, the new CLEPA Working group on Energy and Environment commenced activities with its first kick off meeting. Topics discussed included the organisation structure, upcoming position papers on post 2020 CO2 emissions and type approval, updates from CLEPA members and the CLEPA secretariat on ongoing and upcoming activities,
The next meeting was set for September 8, 2016, 10:00 – 15:00.
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