Working Group Technical Regulations activities – April
On the draft EU Regulation on type-approval and market surveillance, several bilateral discussions took place with CLEPA members, EU Commission and other stakeholders to prepare the CLEPA position on the draft Regulation and the amendments to be proposed to the European Parliament and to the Council.
The draft CLEPA concerns were presented on 25 April 2016 to the European Parliament Rapporteur Mr Dalton. He expects CLEPA final position and amendments by end of May 2016.
On materials reporting (IMDS) and related issues:
- The European Body managing the Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) met on 14 April 2016 in Brussels. Addition/removal of substances were discussed. Status on related files were made: REACH, Conflict Minerals, Biocides, Endocrine Disruptors, nano materials, Global List of AUTOMOTIVE Process Chemicals, legislation monitoring.
- The Supplier Alliance (SUAL) met on 18 April 2016 to review the CATARC replies to the proposal to amend the CAMDS Use Conditions (in order to allow exchange of data with other reporting systems and to better protect IPR/know-how). A new meeting will be proposed to CATARC for trying to solve outstanding issues
- The CLEPA IMDS Expert Group met on 19 April 2016 in Bad Homburg. On the agenda:
- Review of the Materials Regulation Event agenda and of suppliers presentations
- Preparation to the meeting with OEM IMDS Steering Committee: DUNS number, Material data sheet with one substance, Chemistry Manager, Naming rules in Recommendation 001, Update of the ELV guide,
- Status and next steps on various actions including declaration format according IEC 62474 where common position was not found at the meeting
- Status on discussions with CATARC on CAMDS Use Conditions
- Status on GADSL
- The CLEPA Materials Regulation Event was held on 20 April 2016 in Bad Homburg with 200 participants. An overview of the event can be found here on the CLEPA website.
- The Supplier Alliance (SUAL) met the OEM IMDS Steering Committee on 21 April 2016 in Bad Homburg. Agreement was found on how to go ahead on Naming rules, Chemistry Manager with training workshop and common testing, DUNS number, ELV Guide and one substance MDS (FAQ to be added in Recommendation 001 to avoid systematic rejection).
On the ELV Directive, the Automotive Industry (ACEA, JAMA, KAMA, CLEPA, ZVEI) met DG Environment on 25 April 2016 in Brussels to present and discuss proposal on amending ELV Annex 2 on homogeneous materials to avoid never ending review of exemptions. An updated proposal will be tabled according outcomes of the meeting.
On REACH, the Automotive Task Force AITF-REACH met on 28 April 2016 in Rüsselsheim. On the agenda:
Exchange of information on REACH implementation, REACH-GADSL-IMDS processes, Substances phase-out, SDS quality, SVHC surveys, Substances in Articles after the ECJ ruling, restrictions on substances usage, substance authorization, in particular CrO3 authorization, repair as produced principle. Unfortunately, the CLEPA concerns on some OEMs request for old spare parts Material Data Sheet for Article 33 communication were not discussed.
CLEPA experts on eCall met on 5 April 2016 to prepare the UN meeting to draft a Regulation on eCall systems (AECS) and to review status of the draft delegated and implementing acts to the EU eCall Regulation.
The UN Informal Group on Automatic Emergency Call Systems (AECS) met from 12 to 14 April in Paris. The draft UN Regulation has been finalized, except 2 pending issues:
- pulse for the mechanical strength test: limit of lower corridor was lowered by the Informal Group, no longer in line with EU specifications in the draft delegated acts
- Separate approvals of eCall system components, as possible in the draft EU acts
CLEPA experts on Active Safety met on 8 April 2016 to agree on how to promote AEB and other active safety technologies in the coming review of the EU General Safety Regulation
CLEPA experts on Passive Safety met on 22 April 2016 to:
- Prepare the next UN Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) scheduled from 9 to13 May 2016 in Geneva
- Agree on how to promote passive safety technologies in the coming review of the EU General Safety Regulation
The 110th session of the UN Working Party on General Safety (GRSG) was held from 26 to 29 April in Geneva. Amendments were agreed for UN Regulations on vehicles carrying dangerous goods and on the use of Compressed Natural Gas heater. Discussions to continue on:
- Safety of Gas Fueled Vehicles
- Panoramic sun roofs.
- Operating voltages for devices to prevent unauthorised use
- Rear Underrun Protection
- Speedometer/Odometer
- eCall
- Event Data Recorder
- Blind spots detection
On Euro NCAP:
CLEPA “mirror groups” to prepare CLEPA input on Frontal Impact, Side Impact, Child safety, AEB-Car to Car, AEB-Vulnerable Road Users, Lane Assist Systems, Whiplash and Speed Assist Systems regularly met.
On Automated Driving:
- CLEPA experts met on 5 April 2016 to prepare a position paper on Event Data Recorder for Automated Vehicles
On Lighting and Light-Signalling
- 75th United Nations Lighting and Light-Signalling Plenary Session from 5 to 8 April United Nations Offices, Geneva) the draft regulatory proposals presented by the Informal UN GRE-SIG on Lighting Regulations were addressed and adopted by the 75th UN GRE Plenary Session attendees; nevertheless many open points, requiring the UN WP.29’s guidance remain pending; as usual several draft regulatory amendment / correction proposals were addressed, a few were adopted, others (refurbishing of the regulatory provisions obliging) were kept on hold.
- United Nations Lighting and Light-Signalling – Informal Special Interest Group on Lighting Regulations Working Group (Inf. UN GRE-SIG on Lighting WG): The WG convened from 14 to 15 April 2016, CLEPA Offices, Brussels) and assessed the 75th UN GRE Plenary Session outcomes prior to resuming its ongoing activities.
On Braking Systems and Running Gears
- United Nations Braking systems and running gears – Automated Commanded Steering Function Informal Working Group (Inf. UN GRRF-ACSF WG): The 6th UN GRRF-ACSF WG scheduled from 19 to 21 April, Tokyo, Japan, achieved good progresses e.g.; Boundaries between CSF/ACSF; allowed combinations of ACSF; fields of application; system’s status and HMI; driver’s availability recognition; nevertheless, progresses but no conclusions e.g. on detection means, on pedestrian/animal detection; despite the review of Category E requirements, lack of time to review the other Categories or the Annex 7 test requirements; moreover, concerning the work methodology versus the monitoring of the INF UN GRRF-ACSF WG: Good results from industry’s pilots direct presentations (high expertise level); consider exchanges of views with Contracting Parties e.g. Germany, Japan prior to the Informal meetings.
- Next Joint Industry Braking systems and Steering gears meeting scheduled 21-23 June 2016, CLEPA Offices in Brussels, to prepare the 82nd UN GRRF Plenary Session; and 7th Informal UN GRRF-ACSF WG meeting, from 28 to 30 June 2016 London, UK.
United Nations Pollution and Energy Informal Working Groups activities
- 14th Informal United Nations Pollution & Energy Worldwide harmonized Light-Duty vehicles Test Programme Working Group (Inf. UN GRPE-WLTP WG); from 26 to 28 April, 2016 OICA Offices, Paris; official and CLEPA meeting notes not yet available.
- 39th Informal United Nations Pollution & Energy Particulate Measurement Programme Working group (Inf. UN GRPE-PMP WG): Further to its 39th UN GRPE-PMP WG meeting, the amendments to the Terms of References for non-exhaust PMP emissions were addressed during a telephone conference on 27 April 2016 the outcomes of the Tel Co are not yet in CLEPA’s possession; the amendment of the Terms of References for the exhaust related PMPs shall also be addressed (3 May 2016) during a dedicated telephone conference.
- 18th Informal United Nations Pollution & Energy Electric Vehicles Environment Working Group (Inf. UN GRPE-EVE WG): Further to its from 11 to 12 April 2016, Shanghai, P. R. China meeting the group scheduled, from 17 to 18 April 2016, follow-up telephone conferences; the outcomes of these activities is not yet in CLEPA’s possession.
European Commission activities:
The provisional calendar of the European Commission Directorate General Growth is still unavailable; most activities are still on hold since the Technical Committee Motor Vehicles’ adoption of the EU’s Real Driving Emissions – Light Duty Vehicles provisions.
- European Commission Directorate General Growth convened on 20 April 2016 in Brussels, a Real Driving Emission-Light-duty vehicles meeting; it was chaired by Ms. P. DILARA. Were addressed Cold start, PEMS/PN, Regeneration, Testing of Hybrids, Small Volume Manufacturers and Next Steps as reflected by the meeting report posted on the CIRCABC website by Ms. P. DILARA
For May’s Agenda, please click here.
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