Working Group Technical Regulations activities
February- March 2016
The next CLEPA Materials Regulations Event will be held in Bad-Homburg (Germany) on 20th April 2016.
Please pencil this date in your agenda.
The UN Informal Group on the 1958 Agreement revision and on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) met in Paris on 3 and 4 March 2016.
- Text of the revised Agreement is now ready, but the EU has not yet established its position, missing the EP consent. Council supports the revised text. Final approval by UN Contracting parties expected at the June 2016 session of WP 29.
- Guidelines on transitional provisions were reviewed
- Text of the UN Regulation 0 (R0) on the IWVTA was reviewed in the light of the recent test exercises with some type-approval authorities.
On General Safety of Vehicles:
- Safety Glazings- Panoramic Sun Roofs (PSG)
- CLEPA, OICA and Glass for Europe met on 22 February 2016 to prepare the UN Informal Group meeting on 24 February 2016
- The UN informal Group on Panoramic sun roofs met on 24 February in Brussels at the CLEPA offices. Amendments to the scope of UN Global Technical Regulation 6 (GTR6) were agreed. Other amendments to GTR6 to improve PSG safety were discussed. Principles have been agreed.
- Event Data Recorder for Automated Vehicles (EDR/AD)
CLEPA experts met on 2 March 2016 to review the draft Position Paper on Event Data Recorder.
On Euro NCAP:
- CLEPA experts met on 24 and 25 February 2016 to prepare an ACEA/CLEPA meeting and the Euro NCAP Industry Liaison Meeting. At these meetings were also presented and discussed CLEPA actions on the review of the EU General Safety Regulation for active safety systems.
- ACEA and CLEPA met on 25 February to review the progress on the 2020 Euro NCAP Road Map implementation and to prepare the Euro NCAP Industry Liaison Meeting on 26 February
- The Euro NCAP Industry Liaison Meeting was held on 26 February 2016. Implementation of the 2020 Road Map and related testing and assessment protocols were reviewed and Euro NCAP replied to questions from Industry. Preparation of the 2025 Road Map should start second part of 2016.
On Braking Systems and Running Gears
- United Nations Braking systems and running gears – Automated Commanded Steering Function Informal Working Group (Inf. UN GRRF-ACSF WG): The 6th UN GRRF-ACSF WG is scheduled 19-21 April, Tokyo, Japan. In order to prepare the meeting a Joint Industry meeting convened, 29 February – 1 March 2016, CLEPA Offices, Brussels, BE, and shall convene 31 March – 1 April 2016, OICA Offices, Paris, to prepare its Tokyo meeting participation.
- United Nations Braking systems and running gears – Modular Vehicle Combinations Working Group: The 6th UN GRRF-MVC WG convened 3- 4 March 2016, Brussels. It further prepared the draft amendment proposals to UN Regulation N° 55 (Coupling Devices) e.g.; Definition and certification of a dolly.
On Lighting and Light-Signaling
- United Nations Lighting and Light-Signalling – Special Interest Group on Lighting Regulations – Informal Working Group (Inf. UN GRE-SIG on Lighting WG): The Inf. UN GRE-SIG on Lighting convened 29 February – 1 March 2016, Brussels and shall again convene 14-15 April 2016, Brussels. The Group has made significant progresses and finalizes a draft proposal for a horizontal Lighting Regulation whiles trimming the existing Regulations of overlapping regulatory provision content.
On Radio Regulations and Radio Frequencies
- The Joint Industry Radio Regulations Task Force convenes 16 March 2016 (ACEA Offices, Brussels) to further address the outcomes of the World Radio Conference on 79 GHz Regulation, the 63-64 GHz for future Intelligent Transport Systems, the 5.9 GHz Car to car systems, the 76-77 GHz sharing between automotive radars and fixed applications; etc.
United Nations Pollution and Energy Informal Working Groups activities:
- Worldwide harmonized Light-Duty vehicles Test Programme (Inf. UN GRPE-WLTP WG): A call for Experts was circulated by the Informal UN GRPE-WLTG WG Secretary to prepare, technical item by item, ad hoc Experts’ teams to address the “Phase 2” activities. CLEPA notified, on behalf of its ENER CT (Expected New Emission Regulations Core Team) its interest to participate and committed to forward a list of Experts to address the issues of CLEPA interest.
- Particulate Measurement Programme (Inf. UN GRPE-PMP WG): An Informal UN GRPE-PMP WG meeting is convened 9-10 March 2016, in Brussels to further proceed with the studies on Vehicle exhaust emissions non-exhaust emissions particulate emissions. Due to prior commitments CLEPA’s Experts are not in a position to attend the meeting but shall review the outcomes prior to the 73rd UN GRPE Plenary Session (9-10 June 2016, Geneva).
- Electric Vehicles Environment (Inf. UN GRPE-EVE WG): The 18th Inf. UN GRPE-EVE WG meeting invitation (11-12 April 2016, Shanghai) was circulated by the WG Chairman and Secretary, and a call for presentations was also circulated. Due to prior commitments CLEPA’s Experts are not in a position to attend the meeting but shall review the outcomes prior to the 73rd UN GRPE Plenary Session (9-10 June 2016, Geneva).
European Commission activities:
- Currently the provisional calendar of the European Commission Directorate General Growth isn’t yet available and quasi all activities are on hold since the Technical Committee Motor Vehicles’ adoption of the EU’s Real Driving Emissions – Light Duty Vehicles
- European Commission Administrative (Drafting) Working Group: Further to an unexpected last minute invitation notification the Eu. Com. Convened the ADMIN WG to further proceed with its EU WLTP provisions’ drafting work.
- European Commission Directorate General Light-duty vehicles activities are on hold until the Eu. Com. Joint Research Center finalizes, by end March early April 2016, its calendar. CLEPA, further to having notifies its interest for different activities is waiting for information.
For the full schedule, click here.
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