UN Road Safety Fund

The proposed UN Road Safety Fund will aim at bridging the gaps in the mobilization of adequate resources to fund road safety projects at local, national and global levels. The total additional grant funding for road safety needed to achieve the SDG road safety targets is estimated at $770 million annually over the next decade. Funding should be provided by voluntary contributions from member States, philanthropies and from innovative funding mechanisms such as contributions from each car or tire sold or contributions from insurance companies that are to benefit from a reduction in road traffic crashes.


The proposed UN Road Safety Fund will serve as a vehicle to leverage additional funding. It is estimated that every $100 million contributed to the Fund would support:

  • the leveraging of $3.4 billion of country and city road safety investment;
  • the saving of 64,000 lives; and
  • the averting of 640,000 serious injuries.


With $770 million of grant funding per year over the coming decade, the proposed UN Road Safety Fund could save 5 million lives and avert 50 million serious injuries in low and middle-income countries. The proposed UN Road Safety Fund will be launched on April 12th in New York.

Source: www.unece.org

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