UN launches Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030

The World Health Organisation (WHO) launched the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 in Geneva, with the ambitious target of preventing at least 50% of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030. WHO and the UN regional commissions, in cooperation with other partners in the UN Road Safety Collaboration, have developed a Global Plan for the Decade of Action.

Recognising the importance of the problem and the need to act, governments from around the world declared unanimously – through UN General Assembly Resolution 74/299 – the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 with the explicit target to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by at least 50% during that period.

This Global Plan describes the actions needed to achieve that target. This includes accelerated action to make walking, cycling and using public transport safe, as they are also healthier and greener modes of transport; to ensure safe roads, vehicles and behaviours; and to guarantee timely and effective emergency care.  It is aimed to inspire countries, including governments and partners to act boldly and decisively, using the tools and knowledge gained from the last Decade of Action to change course.

The Global Plan outlines recommended actions drawn from proven and effective interventions, as well as best practices for preventing road trauma. It should be used as a blueprint to inform and inspire national and local plans that are tailored to local contexts, available resources and capacity. The Global Plan is aimed not only at senior policy-makers, but also other stakeholders who can influence road safety, such as civil society, academia, the private sector and community and youth leaders.

CLEPA, representing mobility-technology suppliers, endorses this plan and has been acting over the years as a reliable partner for the UN in the advancement of road safety. The association is also a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration. Many of the technologies underpinning this goal are in production and ever more sophisticated and effective safety systems are being developed, including promising new approaches like Human Body Models (virtual humans in a biomechanical sense) and more advanced virtual testing software and tools, as well as completely new protective technologies for driverless vehicles. Global regulations and standardisation processes are needed to ensure a safe, effective and smooth implementation of these technologies, facilitating access to new mobility concepts worldwide.

Source: UN

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