The Forum for Mobility and Society hosts an event on key deliverables that mobility needs from the EU on connected and automated driving

The Forum for Mobility and Society, of which CLEPA is a member, brings together mobility stakeholders from the industry and civil society. It organises regular debates on current mobility issues, actively involving European institutions.


On Wednesday 13 November the Forum organised a conference on Connected and Automated Driving centred on the question: What’s needed from the EU?


Gwenole Cozigou, Director for Industrial Transformation and Advanced Value Chains at DG GROW set the scene outlining the EU’s strategy on connected and automated driving.




CLEPA Secretary-General, Sigrid de Vries, joined the panel debate and highlighted the importance of making a distinction between connectivity and automated driving, while also addressing the importance of technology neutrality and sharing vehicle-generated data for the EU to keep pace with the evolution of CAD. In her words:


“Connectivity is part of automated driving and perhaps ultimately autonomous mobility. Connectivity is an enabler, but it is also much more than that, it opens up new perspectives for mobility as a service and innovative business models”


Both topics are megatrends that are transforming mobility but develop independently from each other. Connected and automated vehicles generate data, which holds great potential for the auto industry. Under the right framework conditions, the availability of automotive data will allow the development of new business models that help finance the innovation that will assure continued European leadership in the global mobility market. Connected mobility – and, eventually, highly automated and driverless cars – will be instrumental in making transportation safer and more sustainable.


CLEPA argues that for a competitive market to be created to the benefit of businesses and consumers, access to data from connected vehicles needs to fulfil the following technical criteria: independent and unmonitored access to vehicle data and resources, covering all technically available vehicle data, allowing third parties to process data in the vehicle and to interact directly with the driver. It is essential to ensure a level playing field amongst market participants, striking a balance between fair competition, the possibility for consumers to have access to different services, safety and cybersecurity, while fully complying with the legislation on the protection of personal data, as already stated by the European Commission.



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