The EU updates rules on inspection of vehicles

On 20 December 2012, the Transport Council adopted a general approach on new rules on periodic inspection of vehicles, the so-called roadworthiness tests. The key objective of the update is to improve road safety and environmental protection. The draft directive lays down minimum requirements, which leaves member states free to impose stricter rules. Compared to the current rules, the draft directive introduces new requirements designed to ensure high testing standards. These requirements concern in particular test equipment, skills and training of testing personnel and supervision of testing centres. The annexes with the technical testing details have also been updated. Moreover, the checks will be extended to fast tractors with a maximum speed over 40 km/h. It will become easier to detect mileage counter tampering, as inspectors will have access to the readings from the previous test. In addition, the new text provides for the mutual recognition of roadworthiness certificates when a vehicle is re-registered in another member state. More generally, administrative cooperation between member states will be enhanced, and the possibility for creating an electronic vehicle information platform will be explored. The text agreed by the Council does not retain the Commission’s proposal to extend the scope of periodic tests to scooters, motorcycles and light trailers, and to increase the minimum frequency of checks for older cars and light commercial vehicles from every two years to every year. Source:Consilium of the European Union

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