Telematics and the European Commission DG MOVE: C-ITS Platform

The relation between Telematics and the automotive industry comes very close to what some might call a revolution.


Although it is clear that data gathering is not something new in the automotive industry, collecting it at the volumes and speed we are currently witnessing and integrating it to the car’s ecosystem at any given moment is truly remarkable.

It is the first time that data from the car, the surrounding vehicles as well as further information from the environment the vehicle is travelling in (city, highway, etc.) can be pooled and analysed to provide the drivers real-time insights for an informed mobile experience. This will obviously have a tremendous impact on the level of added value provided by the Vehicle Manufacturers, the Suppliers and other (new) stakeholders.


In July 2015 CLEPA published a position paper on the Open Telematics Platform (you can find it here), outlining the importance for the consumers and for the CLEPA members of striking the balance between the OEM/OES Market and Independent Aftermarket.


It is for this reason that CLEPA officially stands for an interoperable standardised and secure in-vehicle open telematics Platform. This means that all relevant in-vehicle information should be accessible to third parties for service development and future business models. This will ensure consumers free choice for service provision and the parts and applications to be installed in the vehicle.


The European Commission is well aware of the importance of Telematics for the automotive industry and created therefore a stakeholder forum to shape the bigger lines of future policy making related to Intelligent Transport Systems, including Telematics.


The C-ITS platform, an initiative from European Commission DG MOVE, has been providing the grounds for fruitful discussions on the impact of Telematics (among others) for the automotive industry and a thorough reflection of the stakes at hand.


The C-ITS platform is composed of 6 different Working Groups, further subdivided into task forces. Different departments of the CLEPA team have been involved in the different Working Groups. The CLEPA Aftermarket Department has been particularly involved in WG6: Access to in-vehicle resources and data. On the 15th of December DG MOVE invited the participants to come together to draft the final report for Working Group 6. The report outlines the objectives of the working group, the organisation of the work and definition of a general framework and finally goes into more detail on the technical aspects discussed and presents some conclusions and recommendations. This report was finalised in January and is available on the DG MOVE website.


Considering of the impact of telematics, a new independent study will be commissioned by DG MOVE based on the results of the C-ITS platform discussions, particularly on those that have taken place in the WG 6 (Access to in-vehicle information). DG MOVE has been collaborating with DG GROW already on drafting the terms of reference for the study. The call for a tender was launched in January 2016.



Aftermarket picture

Image Source: IBM



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