Tajani to discuss drivers of growth in Berlin
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani will visit Berlin today. In a series of meetings he will call for support for a common and coordinated approach in industrial policy as well as exchange views on specific industry issues like energy-efficient cars, tourism, smart cities, resource efficiency and measures to boost entrepreneurship. In this context he will be meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss co-operation for improved supply of raw materials under the new Innovation Partnership Agreement (see below). With Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, Dr. Peter Ramsauer, VP Tajani will discuss the progress of the GMES (Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security), the planned reduction of noise levels of passenger cars and electro mobility. With Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Philipp Roessler, VP Tajani will discuss industrial issues and the forthcoming communication on Key Enabling Technologies.
E-Mobility and alternative propulsion systems
At a meeting with the President of the ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club), the largest automobile club in Germany and Europe, Peter Meyer, Antonio Tajani will discuss recent developments in EU car manufacturing (slump of car sales), development of e-mobility, how to make incentive systems for energy saving cars more efficient, and the international position of EU car manufacturing vis-à-vis competitors in China and the US.
Source: Eu Commission
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