DG MOVE – Specifications on cooperative intelligent transport systems

The main objective of this initiative is to establish right and clear framework conditions to improve the interoperability and continuity of C-ITS across Europe with the aim to significantly improve road safety and traffic efficiency. There is no prior legislation in this field, and thus no scope for simplification.


In relation to the problems and drivers described above the initiative aims to:

  • establish common rules to ensure security of C-ITS communications
  • ensure the practical application of the General Data Protection Regulation in the area of C-ITS
  • ensure a forward looking hybrid communication approach
  • establish common rules on interoperability and compliance assessment
  • clearly define a set of priority C-ITS services to ensure continuity of C-ITS services


This initiative will be restricted to services included in the Day 1 C-ITS Services List defined in the EU Strategy on C-ITS. This is an agreed list of services that are technologically mature, highly beneficial and ready for large scale deployment.


A number of measures, to be further developed and complemented, have been identified in response to the problem drivers identified above. Most of these measures should not be considered as mutually exclusive, and so they can be combined in different options, which will be further defined in the impact assessment process.


Please note that the European Commission has provided a new possibility to   give feedback on the roadmaps/inception impact assessments: after publication of a roadmap/inception impact assessment anybody can submit comments in all official languages of the EU, which may be published and taken into account by the Commission services when further developing the policy proposal.


In order to submit a feedback to this consultation, please click here.

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