Road Safety Awards 2018: Commission rewards initiatives in 5 Member States
The European Commission presented the Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2018 at a ceremony held in Brussels, in presence of Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc. Six organisations from five Member States were awarded for their notable contribution to improving road safety in Europe. Awards went to VOZIM, an association fighting reckless driving (Slovenia), to the Association Prévention routière (France), to Community Speed Watch Online (United Kingdom), to the water company Aigua De Rigat SA (Spain), to the City Council of Naron (Spain), and to the research institute KTI (Hungary). Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said: “Road safety is a shared responsibility. It requires national and local entities, as well as the civil society and the industry to work in close cooperation to make our roads, vehicles and users safe. Under the European Road Safety Charter, we have gathered concrete actions and good practices to inspire us.” As part of its May 2017 ‘Europe on the Move’ , the Commission put forward measures with strong EU added-value to contribute to safe roads and to a Europe that protects. Actions at all levels are nevertheless indispensable to save lives on European roads. For this reason, the ‘Excellence in Road Safety Award’ acknowledges innovative and inspirational initiatives under the umbrella of the European Road Safety Charter , the largest civil society platform on road safety. More information on the winners is available here .
European Commission – Press Releases
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