Renewable fuels make essential contribution towards climate neutrality

CLEPA, in collaboration with representatives of the automotive, transport, fuel, and energy industry in the EU, is supporting the call for renewable fuels to contribute towards climate neutrality and economic growth, complementing the push for electrification. Several legal instruments, such as the CO2 tailpipe targets, renewable energy rules, alternative fuel and charging infrastructure targets and energy taxation can be optimised to deliver results by providing CO2 credits in exchange for the use of renewable fuels as part of meeting vehicle CO2 targets, creating a pull to market-driven carbon-neutrality, making efficient use of different technologies.

A joint letter in support of these actions has been sent to key decision-makers in the European Commission requesting a more inclusive approach to policies for fuels, so they may consider the role of renewable and sustainable fuels within the goals of decarbonising transport.

The decarbonisation of transport is fundamentally about the decarbonisation of energy, and a technology-neutral approach needs to recognise that several options are viable in contributing to this common goal. An Internal combustion engine fuelled with renewable sustainable fuels has a carbon footprint comparable to that of an electric vehicle; furthermore, it has the potential, like an electric vehicle, to become climate neutral, or net-zero CO2 emission.

The role that low-carbon liquid fuels have in the energy transition is now being communicated via the recently launched Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform, composed by several organisations operating in the liquid fuels value chain that are promoting renewable and low-carbon liquid fuels as an essential and long-term technological solution. Their partners are working together to contribute to the decarbonisation of the mobility sector sustainably and affordably. They represent companies acting at different points of the value chain, from feedstock and fuel production to supply and distribution, making up a substantial part of the sustainable renewable fuels’ ecosystem.

Renewable and low-carbon liquid fuels play a particularly important role, given their superior energy density, ease of storage and transport, and the widespread availability of existing infrastructures and vehicles for distribution and use of these fuels, which already contribute today with significant GHG emissions savings in the road transport sector.

All technologies and value chains that have the potential to contribute to climate neutrality should be considered on equal terms.

In addition, the social and economic benefits of the use of renewable fuels should not be underestimated, since it represents a sizeable proportion of the employment and value-added in the EU economy.

CLEPA will be presenting its views on the role of low carbon fuels and the social & economic impact of the transition, with a focus on the value chains, the jobs and the economic benefits for regional and local economies next 7 June during the session ”A win-win situation for climate and jobs” that is part of the webinar series on Understanding the role of low-carbon liquid fuels in enabling climate-neutral transport organised by FuelsEurope, which will take place between 31 May and 14 June 2021.

You can find more information on the event here.

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