Recent developments in external trade relations of the EU on the agenda of the Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC – Trade)
The Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council concerning Trade is taking place in Brussels on May 8th, chaired by the Greek Deputy Minister of Development and Competitiveness, Notis Mitarachi.
The Council will take note of progress on the remaining technical issues to be resolved on a comprehensive economic and trade agreement with Canada.
It will discuss implementation by Japan of commitments on the elimination of non-tariff barriers in the context of negotiations on a free trade agreement.
The Council will also discuss the Doha Development Agenda following the WTO ministerial conference in Bali. It is expected to adopt conclusions and negotiating directives on the multilateral “green goods initiative” for the liberalisation of trade in environmental goods.
Over lunch, ministers will take stock of progress made in negotiations on a transatlantic trade and investment agreement with the United States.
The Council will start at 10.00. A presidency press conference will be held at the end of the Council.
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