Public consultation on EU-Turkey economic relations
The European Commission recently launched a public consultation on EU-Turkey economic relations, particularly in the context of custom relations. The public consultation aims to gather detailed views relating to the future trade and economic relationship between the European Union (EU) and Turkey.
The results of the consultation will feed into the Impact Assessment which Commission services are currently preparing with regards to the potential modernisation of the EU-Turkey Customs Union and the possible enhancement of the EU-Turkey bilateral preferential trade framework.
The online consultation aims to ensure that all relevant stakeholders have an opportunity to comment on all the aspects of the Impact Assessment that will accompany the Commission’s planned recommendation to launch the negotiations for modernising the Customs Union and enhancing the bilateral preferential trade framework.
The online consultation is currently open and will close on 9 June, 2016.
For more information about the consultation, please click here.
Source: European Commission
Furthermore, if you have any questions regarding the consultation, please contact our Director of Trade and Legal Affairs Eleri Wessman:
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