Press statements by National Automotive Industry Associations on Covid-19

ACS (Slovenia)

The automotive industry, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, expects the government of Republic of Slovenia to extend measures from the existing two packages to avoid further damage.



AFIA (Portugal)

AFIA states the importance of implementing measures to support the automotive supply industry due to its impact on national economy.

According to AFIA, the value of exports of automobile components in March 2020 fell by 25.4% compared to the same month last year.

According to data collected by AFIA – Association of Manufacturers for the Automotive Industry – sales in April of automotive components abroad dropped by 76% compared to the same month last year. The biggest monthly drop ever recorded.



Agoria (Belgium)

A series of acticles reflecting on the measures to take in a post-Covid-19 phase.

A manual to help employers comply with the new requirements on social distancing in particular.

On Friday 12 June, the Kern, expanded to include the parties supporting the federal government, reached an agreement on a series of additional support measures.



ANFIA (Italy)


Countries of the European Union enlarged to include the EFTA and the United Kingdom in April, the car registrations amounted to 292,182 units, a decrease of 78.3% compared to the previous year.

According to the data published today by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in May the Italian car market totalled 99,711 registrations, 49.6% less than in the same month in 2019.

In May the car registrations amounted to 623,812 units, a decrease of 56.8% compared to the previous year.



HGK (Croatia)

HGK provided comprehensive list of suggested measures, to which some were accepted.

HGK published an analysis Current trends in the labor market in the circumstances of the Covida-19 pandemic.



FIEV (France)

A FIEV survey on the consequences of the health crisis and identification of the conditions for a rapid recovery.

FIEV and Art et Métiers partnered up and will provide automotive equipment from GARAS programme, thus enabling companies to restart their business.

FIEV welcomes the measures announced by the President Emmanuel Macron, in particular, the measures that support a responsible recovery of demand and investment to modernise the French automobile industry.



FKG (Sweden)

FKG calls for the coordination of all points of the value chain to achieve common goals.



RAI (The Netherlands)

Industry organizations, trainers, unions and specialists in the mobility sector have joined forces to draw up a joint industry-wide corona protocol, which must guarantee safe, hygienic and corona-proof working in the affiliated sectors.

Car importers of new and imported cars are given the opportunity to apply for deferment of payment for the payment of BPM on sold cars. RAI Association and BOVAG are pleased that the Cabinet is responding to the sector’s call.

From the fifth round of the survey among the members of the RAI Association (period 1-5 June) it follows that 79% of the respondents indicate that they achieved less turnover in the past month than in the same month last year.



SDCM (Poland)

Automotive parts production is the most affected segment represented by SDCM. Many factories are currently still closed, and the one which are operating come across a number of problems, which also has direct influence on their production.




In the R + D + i Commission of SERNAUTO, the urgency of launching the Public-Private Collaboration Initiative (ICPP) proposed by the sector of Automotive to lead the future of mobility.

The associations of vehicle and component manufacturers, ANFAC and SERNAUTO, and those of vehicle distribution and marketing, FACONAUTO and GANVAM, welcome the plan to boost the value chain of the automotive industry.

During a webinar, Sernauto president explained how automotive suppliers are already contributing to the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of United Nations.



SMMT and NFDA published a new guidance document on safe working best practice for automotive retailers which has been developed in collaboration between the two organisations and members from each organisation.

SMMT calls on government to unlock wider automotive sector by opening showrooms to drive demand, boost manufacturing and help support economic recovery.

Some 20,247 cars were registered in the month, as ‘click and collect’ services, allowed from mid-month, saw some movement in the market. However, with 163,477 fewer registrations than in the same month last year, the performance still marked the lowest May since 1952.



TAYSAD (Turkey)

TAYSAD shares the results and reveals the problems of the sector by carrying out the second survey study.

According to the survey, 65% of industry representatives pointed out to an upcoming cash crunch which could last three months or longer.

According to the survey results, at least half of TAYSAD members lost more than 55 percent of turnover in April.



VDA (Germany)

The Federal Cartel Office today published a letter from the chair on pandemic crisis measures in the automotive industry, which is intended to provide the antitrust framework for basic cooperation between the industry and for cooperation on individual case restructuring measures. The VDA welcomes the letter from the Bundeskartellamt.

According to the Federal Motor Transport Authority, new registrations of electric cars in Germany rose by 56 percent in May to 12,358 vehicles in May.

VDA presents 12-point plan for economic growth in the EU after the crisis – decisive and coordinated action by the member countries is necessary – tackling investments in the future


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