President Juncker at the G20 in Hamburg: warns against protectionism

President Jean-Claude  Juncker  and Commissioner Pierre  Moscovici are attending the G20 Summit in Hamburg today and tomorrow. Under the German G20 Presidency, the G20 nations will be meeting under the motto “Shaping an interconnected world”. This morning, President  Juncker  and President of the European Council, Donald Tusk held a joint press conference ahead of the start of the G20 Summit.


Speaking of the global economy outlook, President  Juncker  said:  “This year, we are meeting with the wind in our sails. All 28 Member States of the EU are growing. Since 2013, ten million jobs have been created in the European Union. We have the lowest unemployment in nine years . There are 233 million Europeans at work – the highest employment rate we have ever had in the European Union.”  President  Juncker  also said that  “going back to protectionism is not the way ahead,”  instead, the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement concluded yesterday, was the right way forward, adding that this agreement takes account of all European interests and high standards related to labour, environment and data protection.



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