EC: Funded initiative compiles a decade of knowledge on connected and automated driving


Brussels, 17 December 2019


The European Commission, through the Horizon 2020-funded Action ARCADE (Aligning Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe), has released the Knowledge Base on Connected and Automated Driving (CAD), one-stop shop for information on CAD in Europe and beyond.


This unique database gathers all the information previously spread across projects and a broad network of stakeholders to establish a common baseline of CAD, thus ensuring transferability of knowledge for future research, development and testing of connected and automated driving.


CAD Knowledge Base contributes to the objectives of the Declaration of Amsterdam


The CAD Knowledge Base is at the centre of ARCADE’s cooperation with the European Commission’s Single Platform for open road testing and pre-deployment of cooperative, connected, automated and autonomous mobility (CCAM).


At the CCAM Plenary meeting on 4 December 2019, Ludger Rogge, Policy Officer at DG RTD and Chair of CCAM Working Group 1, stressed the value of the CAD Knowledge Base: “With its establishment, the European Commission provides a means of exchanging knowledge and best practices on CCAM, as requested by the EU Member States in the Declaration of Amsterdam on connected and automated driving”.


On the Knowledge Base website, visitors can explore the different areas of research relevant to CAD:

  • 12 Thematic challenge Areas (at technology, services, society levels) related to CAD deployment
  • An extensive list of national and European R&I projects in the field of CAD
  • An overview of Regulations and Policies on the national, European and world-wide level
  • A compilation of Strategies and Action Plans in Europe and beyond
  • A mapping of existing CAD-related Standards, including relevant standardisation bodies, initiatives and publications
  • Guidelines, impact assessment and evaluation methodologies for automated driving testing
  • A Data Sharing section, providing methods for the exchange of data, knowledge and experience from automated pilots


Since the Knowledge Base is ever evolving and growing with the existing body of knowledge in the field, feedback and contributions from CAD stakeholders are invaluable and highly encouraged.


In order to deepen the discussion around CAD Research & Innovation, ARCADE is organising the EUCAD 2020 Symposium on 28-29 April 2020, during the Transport Research Arena conference (TRA2020) in Helsinki, Finland. More information will soon be published on


Source: Arcade

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