Plenary highlights: Greece, TTIP, emissions trading reform
July plenary session
The Greece debt crisis took centre stage during July’s plenary session, as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras came to Strasbourg to discuss the search for solutions. MEPs also adopted their recommendations for Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and approved a reform of the EU’s emissions trading scheme that should boost incentives for green investments. Read on for our summary of what happened in Strasbourg in a busy summer week.
MEPs held a heated debate with Tsipras, European Council President Donald Tusk and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on the search for an agreement between Greece and international creditors. Check out our detailed debate coverage on Storify.
MEPs approved Parliament’s position on the negotiations for EU-US trade agreement TTIP, insisting on a new system of settling disputes between investors and states that should be run by publicly appointed judges instead of private arbitration.
As Luxembourg took over the rotating presidency of the EU Council from Latvia at the start of the month, MEPs discussed with the prime ministers of both countries the challenges facing Europe, most noticeably the situation in Greece.
MEPs voted to reform the EU’s emissions trading scheme aiming at a gradual reduction of surplus emission allowances to support their prices. Following a deal with the Council, the new market stability reserve will start operating in 2019, two years earlier than initially foreseen.
Parliament called for ways to improve access to online content across borders in a resolution on copyright. The interests of both creators and consumers should be protected, MEPs insisted.
Large firms and listed companies have to provide country-by-country information on profits made, tax paid and public subsidies received, Parliament said. EP negotiators will now seek an agreement with EU governments.
Travellers crossing borders and using more than one mode of transport should be able to book their journey with a single ticket, MEPs said.
MEPs also voted on resolutions concerning the challenges in the dairy sector and in fruit and vegetable production, calling for more EU action to help farmers deal with market disturbances and external shocks, such as the Russian import ban.
MEPs condemned the genocide in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica 20 years ago, when more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb forces and paramilitary units.
The EU needs to use resources more efficiently, MEPs said in a resolution on moving towards a circular economy based on reuse, repair and recycling. The approved text calls for binding waste-reduction targets and updated rules for ecodesign.
Source Eu Parliament
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