European Commission NMBP Consultation
The multiannual work programme will take into account the policitical priorities of the European Union, stakeholders’ views and foresight exercises. Consultation of stakeholders is an integral part of the programming process.
A targeted consultation of stakeholders is being held until 11 May 2016.
As background material the following documents are provided:
Your contributions and ideas are welcome! Please read the scene setter and send your responses to the five questions to
Further details on the results of the consultation will be made available on this webpage by summer 2016.
Amongst other inputs, NMBP will consider in particular the following:
- NMBP Advisory Group:
- Consolidated Report and Summary of conclusions and recommendations (July 2014)
- Input on the strategic orientations for 2018-2020 (expected in June 2016)
- Public-Private Partnership Boards:
- Relevant European Technology Platforms.
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