New study looks at the state of implementation of the CO2/car labelling Directive

A report prepared for the European Commission presents the state of play for the implementation of Directive 1999/94/EC (‘the CO2/car labelling Directive’) in eight Member States: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom. The study complements an earlier analysis of some other Member States prepared for the European Parliament’s Environment Committee in 2010.

The study analyses the transposition of the Directive in the chosen group of Member States, highlights where national law goes beyond the scope of the Directive, and reports on the enforcement activities. The format and the application of the CO2/car label is the issue where the differences among the analysed Member States are the most significant. Based on an extensive desk research and consultation, including a stakeholder workshop, the report provides policy recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the CO2/car labelling Directive.

The study will underpin the Commission’s work on the review of the Directive envisaged for second half of 2013.

For more information: Eu Commission Climate Action

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