Media outreach of the automotive industry Code of Business Conduct
CLEPA (the European Automotive Suppliers’ Association) and ACEA (the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association) have jointly adopted a ‘Code of Business Conduct in view of COVID-19’ to support a rapid and smooth restart of the automotive industry. Media across Europe reported this initiative:
- Autoparts from Spain
- Autorevista
- Diario de Sevilla
- La Vanguardia
- MotorOK
- Mundo Recambio y Taller
- Posventa
- Valenciacars
- Ansa
- Automobilismo
- Club Alfa
- Corriere del Sport
- Giornale Di Sicilia
- Il Mondo dei Transporto
- Il Sole 24Ore
- La Presse
- PartsWeb
Czech Republic
- ABP Club, UK
- Agence Europe, Belgium
- De Telegraaf, The Netherlands
- Portal Automotriz, Mexico
- Journal das Oficinas, Portugal
- AM-Today, France
The President of FIEV, Mr Claude Cham shares his views:
“After having called for close cooperation between all the players in the automotive industry in Europe, I am delighted to have this code of good conduct signed by CLEPA and ACEA. This code should allow us to ‘operate the optimal restart of our businesses. “
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