Manufacturing transformation set to create a two-speed world

On the 12th of January 2018, the World Economic Forum published its 2018 Report on the Readiness for the Future of Production.

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution gathers momentum, decision-makers from the public and private sectors are confronted with a new set of uncertainties regarding the future of production. Rapidly emerging technologies—such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, wearables, robotics and additive manufacturing—are spurring the development of new production techniques, business models, and value chains that will fundamentally transform global production. Both the speed and scope of change add a layer of complexity to the already challenging task of developing and implementing industrial strategies that promote productivity and inclusive growth. The report seeks to build awareness on the factors and conditions required to transform production systems and help countries assess readiness for the future.

The report, developed in collaboration with A.T. Kearney, analyses and presents the results of the first edition of the Readiness for the Future of Production Assessment, which measures how well positioned 100 countries and economies—across all geographies and stages of development—are to shape and benefit from the changing nature of production through the adoption of emerging technology. It serves as a new benchmarking and diagnostic tool to catalyse multistakeholder dialogue, shape joint actions and inform the development of modern industrial strategies.


Source: World Economic Forum

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