Launch of three 5G Corridor trial projects

Three projects (5GCroco, 5G-Carmen, 5G-Mobix) that aim at setting up trial 5G networks along four cross-border corridors were presented on 5 December at the ICT 2018 in Vienna. Metz-Merzig-Luxembourg, Munich-Bologna via the Brenner Pass, and Porto-Vigo and Evora-Merida, both between Spain and Portugal were selected as test sites. Additionally, a short cross-border segment on the Turkish-Greek border will be deployed as well.

5G technology is an important precondition allowing connected and automated driving to unfold its fullest potential. By connecting different road actors (vehicles, pedestrians, road infrastructure) to autonomous cars, 5G will help to avoid accidents and optimize traffic efficiency which results in an improvement of road safety, a reduction of traffic congestion and a decrease of greenhouse gas emissions.

The projects are used to help connected and automated mobility to become a reality on Europe’s roads. They do so by enabling the possibility to test and demonstrate driving-related services such as automated change of lanes and truck platooning.

In total, the three projects will establish 5G trials over more than 1000 km of highway. Furthermore, they bring together telecom and road operators, car manufacturers and equipment suppliers. The projects are additionally supported by road authorities and regional and national governments. The combined budget amounts to €62.8 million, of which €49.3 million comes from the EU’s Horizon2020 Program.

These four cross-border corridors are part of the ten 5G cross-border corridors that EU countries previously agreed on. Thanks to these corridors, Europe is currently the biggest experiment area in 5G technology.

Project details

5GCroCo will test 5G technologies on highways between Metz (FR), Merzig (D) and Luxembourg. It also aims at defining new business models that can be built on top of this unprecedented connectivity and service provisioning capacity.

5G-Carmen will conduct trials from Bologna to Munich via the Brenner Pass, spanning 600 km of roads, connecting three European regions, Bavaria (Germany), Tirol (Austria) and Trentino/South-Tyrol (Italy). It will focus on vehicle manoeuvre negotiation, infotainment, and emissions control in sensitive areas.

5G-Mobix aims at executing CCAM trials along borders and urban corridors using 5G core technological innovations to qualify the 5G infrastructure and evaluate its benefits in the CCAM context as well as defining deployment scenarios and identifying and responding to standardisation and spectrum gaps.


Source: ARCADE Project

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