High-level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence’s Ethics Guidelines available

Appointed by the European Commission in June 2018 as part of the European approach on artificial intelligence, the High-level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence’s (AI HLEG) general objective is to support the implementation of the European strategy on artificial intelligence. This group of 52 experts coming from academia, business and civil society elaborates recommendations on future-related policy development and on ethical, legal and societal issues related to AI, including socio-economic challenges.


In December 2018, the AI HLEG published its first draft of its Ethics Guidelines for the development and use of artificial intelligence. The guidelines described in this document include recommendations on how developers and users of AI can make sure that it respects fundamental rights and how AI can be made technically more robust and reliable. Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel, said that ‘the use of artificial intelligence, like the use of all technology must always be aligned with our core values and uphold fundamental rights. The purpose of the ethics guidelines is to ensure this in practice.’


Because of the importance of the topic, the draft Ethics Guidelines were open for comments until the 18 January 2019. Indeed, stakeholders got the opportunity to express their opinions on the Guidelines which will be taken into consideration. The final guidelines will be presented to the Commission in March 2019 before bringing Europe’s ethical approach to the global stage.


You can find the AI HLEG’s draft Ethics Guidelines here.


Source: CAD

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