French plan for green transport

On the occasion of Transport Action Day on December 3, Ségolène Royal, Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, and Head of the French delegation has launched four initiatives for an acceleration of climate actions in the field of transport.


1) Launch of a call for the development of an electric car accessible to all for less than $7,000.


2) France’s support to the Paris Declaration on Electro-Mobility and Climate change that was presented by the “Zero Emission Vehicles Alliance”, and brings together regions and states that commit to electric mobility (20% of electric vehicles by 2030).
The declaration sets the objective for at least 20% of all world vehicles (including 2 and 3-wheelers, cars, trucks and buses) to be electric-powered by 2030. For the first time, the world adopts a common vision on the effort required to make electric mobility a key driver in the fight against climate change. The higher volume of orders will help reduce production and marketing prices.


3) France’s support, with 2 million EUR from the French Global Environment Facility, to the initiative MobiliseYourCity that aims at facilitating transport planning projects in 20 cities in developing and emerging countries, with the support of AFD (“French Development Agency”), CEREMA (French “Center for studies and expertise on risk, the environment, mobility and planning”), CODATU (French “Cooperation for Development and Improvement of Urban and Suburban Transport), and the German International Cooperation Organisation (GIZ).


4) A national plan for the deployment of positive energy roads that will incorporate photovoltaic cells to generate electricity: 1,000 km within the next 5 years.




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