Forum for Mobility & Society: Artificial intelligence at the core of future safe and sustainable mobility

The mobility sector is progressively increasing the number and breadth of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence applications. Next-level improvements could drive both huge competitive advantages, as well as accelerate results towards climate neutrality and road safety. However, the development of artificial intelligence technology also presents several policy challenges in the fields of skills and employment, decision making, liability or competition.


The relevance of this topic in the European agenda requires ever more platforms to discuss how to better align the perspectives of all players involved in the implementation of advanced AI technologies.


True to this belief, the Forum for Mobility and Society hosted the webinar The Smart And Safe Road to AI in Urban Mobility on the 30th of September, gathering experts in the field along with top representatives from Brussels organisation and policy makers in order to explore the relevance of AI for both industry and consumers.





MEP Henna Virkkunen opened the webinar, highlighting the importance of the EU as a global role model in technological framework. Moderated by Dave Keating, the event included an introduction by Philip Boucher, Policy Analyst from the European Parliament and a keynote presentation by Prof Raja Chatila, Professor of Robotics, AI and Ethics at Sorbonne University.


The following roundtable looked into the role of AI for society, bringing together the perspectives of various stakeholders in the mobility ecosystem (Bridgestone, FIA Region I, BMW Group or IRU). The webinar was closed by MEP Ismael Ertug, who remarked on the crucial need of cooperation and dialogue between industry and policy makers when drafting regulation on AI.



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