FKG hails “great” chance for European suppliers as sanctions yoke lifts

Scandinavian automotive supplier association, FKG is hailing this week’s breakthrough talks concerning Iranian sanctions in Vienna as “great for Europe.”

Iran has been on its knees economically for years as decades of Western suspicion surrounding its supposed nuclear weapons programme have translated into harsh penalties severely affecting the domestic auto sector.

But a conditional lifting of sanctions against Iran in exchange for a tough programme of nuclear energy inspection, could pave the way for European and American suppliers beating a path to Teheran’s door, although there is bound to be considerable hostility from the US Congress.

“My first thought was, ‘at last,'” FKG managing director, Fredrik Sidahl, who recently led a Scandinavian supplier delegation to Iran, told just-auto from Sweden. “They finally came in at the end for these two-year talks and it is great, great for Iran, great for industry and great for Europe. “I can’t see any disadvantages at all. I don’t care about the political system as such because we have different systems anywhere in the world.”

“I can’t see any disadvantages at all. I don’t care about the political system as such because we have different systems anywhere in the world.”

The FKG chief added he was sure political temperatures had been taken, for example in the US, to ensure the deal goes through, while President Barack Obama has dropped hints he may veto any eventual Congressional disapproval.

Source: Just Auto

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