Fitness check of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives
The European Commission Directorate General for Environment has published a paper on air quality in the European Union. Air quality in the European Union has improved over the past decades, as emissions of many pollutants were curbed successfully.
The fitness check looks at the performance of the two complementary EU Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) Directives (Directives 2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC). These Directives set air quality standards and requirements to ensure that the Member States adequately monitor and/or assess air quality on their territory, in a harmonised and comparable manner. The fitness check complements and builds on the extensive analysis developed as part of the 2013 air policy review.
The findings of the fitness check will be used to inform further reflections on whether the AAQ Directives are fit for purpose and continue to provide the appropriate legislative framework to ensure protection from adverse impacts on, and risks to, human health and the environment
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