EYCS Council Conclusions
The dialogue with young people and future European cooperation in the youth field were the main topics of the Council’s work in its Youth configuration. In particular, the Council adopted a resolution on the future development of the (sructured) dialogue with young people in the context of policies for European cooperation in the youth field post 2018. The resolution outlines the main priorities for the next cycle of the dialogues, which will have as its main theme: “Youth in
Europe: what’s next?
The resolution calls for a review on how to improve the dialogue and make it more effective in the future. It also calls for particular attention to be given to ways of developing a constructive dialogue and cooperation with young people from diverse backgrounds, youth researchers and policy makers and interested parties from other related sectors.
- adopted conclusions on the strategic perspectives for European cooperation in the youth field post-2018, which will provide guidance to the Commission as it carries out a mid-term evaluation of the key policy instrument in this area, the “EU Youth Strategy”.
The conclusions underline the need for the future strategy to be cross-sectoral, flexible, responsive and transparent and take account of the rapidly changing political, social, cultural and economic situation in Europe.
- adopted conclusions on the role of youth work in supporting young people’s development of essential life skills to facilitate their transition to adulthood, active citizenship and working life.
The Council adopted a recommendation on the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning. Its aim is to improve the transparency, comparability and portability of qualifications across Europe by establishing a common reference framework for national qualifications systems.
The recommendation also seeks to help modernise education and training systems and increase the employability, mobility and social integration of workers and learners.
The Council took note of progress on Europass, which is intended to help increase mobility in Europe by providing a framework which will improve access to information on skills and qualifications for education and employment purposes.
- Life skills for young people’s development
- European cooperation in the youth field post-2018
- Building Europe’s future
- Europass
- European Qualifications Framework
- Giving learners a voice
- Erasmus+: bringing European people together for 30 years
- The Education Summit
- Promoting social inclusion through formal and non-formal learning
- World Open Educational Resources Congress
- Work programme of the incoming Presidency
Intellectual property
- EU trade mark – codified version
- International Organisation for Vine and Wine – EU position
- Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals
Please click here to access the Outcome of the first part of the EYCS Council which took place May 22.
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