European Commission launches 5G consultation
On June 13, the European Commission launched a consultation on Targeted consultation on the co-ordinated introduction of 5G networks in Europe.
The purpose of the consultation is to identify opportunities for a coordinated introduction of 5G networks in Europe, and assess elements of a 5G Action Plan for the timely deployment of the planned infrastructure as of 2020.
Consultation period: 13 June 2016 to 11 July 2016. Replies received after the closing date will not be considered.
Targeted stakeholders
This consultation targets primarily industry representatives, in particular:
- from the Telecom/ICT sector
- from any sector that perceives benefits from connectivity to improve its process, products or services
However, other organisations or individuals are welcome to contribute if they feel appropriate.
How to respond
You can reply in any EU language even though the online questionnaire is in English.
Only responses received through the online questionnaire will be considered for analysis.
You can pause any time and continue later. You can download your contribution once you have submitted your answers.
Questionnaires sent by e-mail or on paper will not be analysed except those due to accessibility needs of persons with disabilities.
There is increasing evidence that the ultimate objective for the deployment of 5G communications will not be limited to upgrading the existing infrastructure to a more performant one. It is also about providing a truly interoperable global “platform” to enable network operators, several industries and the public sector to “invent” new services, and in some cases to “re-invent” themselves entirely. 5G will also build on the already on-going investments in LTE, in WiFi, in low-power networks, in a very high capacity communications networks, including fibre and satellite. The emerging vision is that 5G will allow these technologies to interoperate and form ubiquitous and programmable digital platforms, exploiting new features such as ultra-high reliability, security, speed and capacity, while aiming at reducing energy consumption.
From an economic and societal perspective, 5G is a major opportunity to improve the competitiveness of European industry. It has the potential to create new digital ecosystems where networks act as platforms for new, specialised services.
The sectors identified in various parts of the world as the most likely to benefit from 5G connectivity are:
- Automotive
- Health
- Smart factories & logistics
- Energy
- Media
- Entertainment
5G should improve the value chain processes across those industries, making the economy more competitive, resilient, productive, and bringing more value to society. This view is outlined in the paper of the Commission’s 5G Public-Private Partnership (2016). It was set up to support 5G innovation and industry competitiveness, and showcase how 5G will empower vertical industries that will use enhanced connectivity to digitise.
Commissioner G.H. Oettinger responsible for the Digital Economy & Society outlined the importance of an EU wide deployment of 5G networks from 2020. That will leverage the take up of 5G standards at national level, and boost the competitiveness of European industry. Europe needs a consistent approach for the deployment of 5G infrastructures across the 28 EU countries if it to have a EU “home market” for 5G products and services.
The Communication on digitising European industry announced work towards a 5G Action Plan calling for coordinated investment in the next generation ubiquitous 5G networks in order to deliver on industry’s connectivity needs.
For more information, please click here.
Source: European Commission
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