European Commission engages industry to spread best climate practices
On Monday 8 April 2013, industry and public sector representatives from 10 European Member States participate in a field trip to visit leading energy efficiency business-cases in Denmark. The field-trip is the first in a series of events arranged by stakeholders in support of the Commission flagship campaign on climate action A world you like. Since its launch in October last year, more than 150 partners have joined the campaign as partners and supporters. Over the coming months a number of them will arrange conferences, exhibitions, events and the like to share best practices and increase awareness on how to combine increased climate action with economic benefits and improved quality of life. This field trip, Engage in Energy Efficient Production, is organised by the Confederation of Danish Industries, in support of the European Commission climate action campaign A world you like, which puts focus on the no-regret solutions where economic benefits and climate action go hand in hand. "The real climate challenge is to apply the solutions we already know at the necessary speed. So it is crucial to spread the good practices and avoid that everybody tries to reinvent the wheel themselves", said Connie Hedegaard, Commissioner for Climate Action, who will participate in parts of the trip. The field-trip includes visits to companies from a variety of sectors ranging from foods to industrial components thus demonstrating that economic benefits from energy efficiency is a potential for businesses across the board. (Source: European Commission)
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