EU Transport Scoreboard published
On October 27, the European Commission published the 2016 edition of the “EU Transport Scoreboard”, a benchmark which compares how Member States perform in 30 categories covering all aspects of transport.
The objective of the Scoreboard is to help Member States identify areas requiring priority investment and action. It shows how the EU further deepens the internal market in transport and promotes the shift towards low-emission mobility, two priorities of the Juncker Commission.
The Netherlands tops the Scoreboard for the third year running with high scores in 15 categories, followed by Sweden, Germany and Austria. While they have different strengths, they all share a solid framework for investment, good transport safety scores, and a good record of implementing EU law.
Regarding Low-Emission Mobility, there is progress across the EU towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility (for example in the share of renewable energy for transport and in the number of new cars using alternative fuels). However, levels are still low and the fact that some Member States are clear front-runners shows the potential to accelerate the shift towards low-emission mobility. To this end, the Commission adopted a European Strategy for low-emission mobility in July 2016.
To learn more about the scoreboard, please click here.
Source: European Commission
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