EU Technical Committee for Motor Vehicles – October 3rd


On October 3 2016, the Technical Committee – Motor Vehicles (TCMV) gathered in Brussels for their 61st meeting. The main points on the agenda were:


  1. Updating of the TCMV members’ list
  2. Final exchange of views on draft proposal for the Commission Implementing Regulation regarding administrative requirements relating to emission limits and type-approval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery;
  3. Exchange of views with respect to the preparation for the UNECE WP29 session of 14-18 November 2016
  4. Adoption of the revised Rules of Procedure of the TCMV
  5. Presentation and discussion on the Commission proposal for the third RDE legislative act
  6. Presentation on correcting act to WLTP 1 legislation


Regarding preparation for the UNECE WP29 session, the agenda highlighted that the EU’s position in the relevant Committees regarding new proposals and proposals for amendments to UN Regulations and UN Global Technical Regulations, as part of the ‘Mega-Decision’ would be discussed.


For more information and for the working documents of the meeting, please click here.


Source: European Commission


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