EU launches Automated Driving Platform

(FILES) A file photo taken on April 24, 2009 shows the European Union flag and national flags in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, eastern France. The Nobel Peace Prize was on October 12, 2012 awarded to the European Union, an institution currently wracked by crisis but is credited with bringing more than a half century of peace to a continent ripped apart by World War II. AFP PHOTO / FREDERICK FLORIN

On October 7 2016, the European Commission together with representatives of 12 EU Member States and industry launched the C-ROADS platform – a set of projects on connected, cooperative and automated driving. The C-ROADS platform gathers real-life deployment activities taking place in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden and UK.


The C-ROADS platform is co-funded through EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), but it is open to all ongoing and future deployment activities in Europe. It already amounts to €150m in deployment-investments, a figure which is expected to double with the next CEF call (foreseen for autumn 2016).


The Commission will issue a “Masterplan on the Interoperable Deployment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) across the EU” by the end of this year to continue efforts towards connected, cooperative and automated driving.


For more information, please click here.


Source: European Commission


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