EU grants almost €200 million to support key infrastructure projects
The European Commission has selected 74 projects that will receive almost €200 million in EU co-financing from the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) programme to continue improving transport infrastructure across the EU. These 74 projects, selected as a result of the 2011 annual call, will use EU financial support for a variety of purposes, ranging from the construction and/or upgrade of current links, support of transport corridors, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and innovative financial instruments.
Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, said: “The European Commission continues to support the construction and upgrade of European transport infrastructure to ensure its citizens can reap the benefits of a complete, safe and modern network. Moreover, the almost €200 million made available today will also help to support employment in the EU by allowing Member States to continue investing in large and small infrastructure projects during a time of general economic stagnation.”
The 2011 annual programme call granted €198.63 million in total funding and aimed to finance the highest priorities of the TEN-T network, focusing on the following fields:
Priority 1: Promote the development of an integrated and multi-modal transport system — 10 projects selected, €25.92 million in funding
Priority 2a: Studies and preparation of deployment projects contributing to mitigation and adaptation to climate change (GHG emissions) — 4 projects selected, €9.37 million in funding
Priority 2b: Studies and works supporting the reduction of the impact of maritime transport on the environment (air pollutants) — 4 projects selected, €3.76 million in funding
Priority 3: Accelerate/facilitate the implementation of TEN-T projects, 44 projects selected — €146.63 million in funding
Priority 4: Support to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and innovative financial instruments — 6 projects selected, €5.63 million in funding
Priority 5: Support to the long-term implementation of the TEN-T network, in particular development of corridors that enable a coordinated implementation of the network — 6 projects selected, €7.32 million in funding
The projects will be managed by the TEN-T Executive Agency, working together with the project beneficiaries and under the auspices of the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission.
Source: EU Commission
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