EU ENSEMBLE Project comes to an end with a final event on 17 March  

The ENSEMBLE Project is part of the European Commission’s Horizon2020 programme. Established in 2018, the main goal of this EU-funded project has been paving the way towards the implementation of multi-brand truck platooning in Europe. Platooning technology can connect different trucks, allowing them to communicate and drive simultaneously. The advanced smart mobility functionalities of a truck platoon are complemented by safety and environmental benefits. 

ENSEMBLE’s ambition was to realise pre-standards for interoperability between truck platoons and logistics solution providers, to speed up actual market take-up of (sub)system development and implementation, as well as to enable harmonisation of legal frameworks in the Member States. CLEPA, together with several automotive suppliers and vehicle manufacturers, has been an active partner of the Project since its launch.  

The Final Event of the ENSEMBLE will be held online on 17 March, from 10:00 to 15:30 CET. It will be an occasion to discuss the results and achievements of the project with high-level experts and speakers. 

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