ENSEMBLE Project gets ready for live platooning demonstration event
The European project ENSEMBLE, dedicated to multi-brand truck platooning, has scheduled a demonstration event on 23 September in Spain. A platoon consisting of seven trucks, one from each leading European manufacturer, will drive on-road near Barcelona.
It is the ambition of the consortium of companies and associations behind ENSEMBLE to realise pre-standards for interoperability between trucks, platoons and logistics solution providers, to speed up actual market pick-up of (sub)system development and implementation and to enable harmonisation of legal frameworks in the Member states. As partner of the project, CLEPA represents the equipment and components’ suppliers and supports research, innovation and deployment as drivers for industrial growth.
After three years of work, at next September event those attendees participating in person will be able to experience a live platooning demonstration together with a comprehensive programme of presentations on the key results of ENSEMBLE.
Furthermore, participants unable to travel to Barcelona will have the opportunity to follow the platoon in real-time, while learning more about the technical realisation and standardisation activities of the project. The event is open to all audiences. You can indicate your interest to participate in-person here.
Please note that the registration is non-binding at the moment and serves as an indicator for planning purposes.
ENSEMBLE is part of the European Commission’s Horizon2020 programme and has had the aim to implement a multi-branding approach for platooning, the linking of two or more trucks in convoy, using connectivity technology and automated driving support systems. You can visit the project’s website for more information.
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