ENSEMBLE Project: European Truck Platooning Challenge Event

The European Truck Platooning Challenge Event, held in Brussels on the 26th of March, has been a successful occasion for the Truck Platooning Community to share the latest news and achievements and debate about next steps and future objectives.


Lina Konstantinopoulou, from CLEPA, presented the definition of the requirements and specifications for Platoon Level A of the white-label multi-brand truck platooning concept to be implemented, tested and demonstrated with up to trucks of 6 different European OEMs.


Additionally, representatives from France, the Netherlands and UK provided the attendees with a Country update and specific information on their flagship projects.


ENSEMBLE, in view of its close collaboration with ETPC, has actively participated to the meeting, sharing its state-of-the-art and the possible contribution to future events.


The presentations of the event can be found here.


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