More enforcement on authorisation and registration coming up for 2019
At its 27th plenary meeting on 20-21 June, the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement decided that its seventh major enforcement project REF-7 (REACH-EN-FORCE-7) will focus on checking duties related to registration and registrations of intermediates. New enforcement projects on authorisation and registration duties are planned by the Forum for 2019. Joint action with stakeholders for improving the quality of safety data sheets has also been agreed.
An intermediate is a substance that is manufactured or used for chemical processing in order to be transformed into another substance. This way, the Forum will follow-up on the last registration deadline and also check that substances registered as intermediates are indeed handled as intermediates under REACH.
Since many accredited stakeholder organisations expressed interest in the joint action with the Forum on improving the quality of safety data sheets (SDSs) announced after its 26th plenary meeting, the Forum decided to launch such an initiative. The Forum will liaise with the accredited stakeholder organisations in the summer 2017 to inform them about how to get involved in this joint action.
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