EESC – Decarbonisation of transport
These are amongst the main messages of the EESC opinion on the “Decarbonisation of transport”, adopted at the EESC Plenary session on 23 February 2017.
The EESC has endorsed the European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility (the strategy), including its aims and methods, which are in line with the 2011 EU transport policy white paper and the intended nationally determined contributions (INDC) submitted by the EU and its Member States at the COP 21 Conference, also endorsed by the EESC and supported by the Marrakesh COP 22 Conference.
The EESC also endorses the holistic approach of the strategy, which provides coherence between transport and other policy areas such as developing the electricity market, encouraging research and innovation, developing new transport solutions and new skills, as well as improved mobility planning, including the development of public transport. It would have liked this approach to be further developed in terms of the links between the strategy and the communication on the upgrading of the internal market, including synergies between opening up markets and efficiency. This also applies with regard to the prospects of the digital economy, including digital mobility, and the development of a sharing economy and a circular economy.
The EESC appreciates the importance that the strategy attaches to support from civil society. It highlights the potential of participatory dialogue to gain support and solve problems and the possibilities of coalition building in civil society and subnational authorities. It likewise welcomes the attention paid to the vital question of financing solutions and draws attention to the need to find co–financing solutions for small projects. As a matter of transparency, the EESC proposes that the Commission should publish a yearly emission scoreboard for the transport sector.
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