EC: Feedback is open for roadmap to modernise the EU’s batteries legislation
EU law aims to minimise batteries’ harmful effects on the environment. The rules cover their full life cycle, from design & production to reuse & recycling.
In line with the Green Deal and other sustainability-related policies, this initiative would update EU rules to ensure:
- all batteries are produced sustainably (i.e. with low resource consumption and little waste generated) and can be easily recycled
- any batteries used in the growing market for electric vehicles are sustainable
As part of the European Green Deal, COM(2019) 640 final of 11.12.2019, the Circular Economy Action COM(2020) 98 final of 11.3.2020, and the New Industrial Strategy, COM(2020) 102 final of 10.3.2020, the Commission aims to ensure a competitive, circular, sustainable and safe value chain for all batteries placed on the Union market in the context of the Circular Economy.
The growing use of batteries will play an essential role in ensuring the transition towards a climate neutral economy. This includes batteries for consumer electronics and communication devices, starting, lighting and ignition functions in internal combustion engines, and industrial batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage. Sustainable batteries respecting human health, environment and safety aspects, are the main building blocks for a competitive market for EU batteries in the future.
Batteries are a key element of the Commission’s plans to improve the competitiveness of strategic value chains, and decarbonise the EU economy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Their use will support the electrification of road transport with clear benefits in terms of reduction of CO2 and in storing intermittent renewable energy. A reduction in GHG emissions during the entire life cycle of batteries will increase the expected CO2 emission reduction even further.
Source: European Commission
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