EC publishes revision of Clean Vehicles Directive Impact Assessment
On August 11 2016, the European Commission published the Inception Impact Assessment on the Revision of Directive 2009/33/EC on Clean and Energy-efficient Road Transport Vehicles – Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD).
The CVD is part of the EU transport policy and a sectorial complement of the horizontal EU procurement legislation also establishing a methodology for procurers to follow under the operational life-cycle costing approach. It supports the environmental and climate policies of the Union focusing on the main aims of transport policy concerning environmental, decarbonisation and trade challenges by aiming at stimulating the market for clean and energy-efficient vehicles by requiring various public bodies to take account of lifetime environmental and energy impacts when purchasing road transport vehicles.
The ex-post evaluation of the CVD under the REFIT programme has concluded that the initiative is relevant but not fit for purpose, not effective and not efficient. At the same time it lacks coherence regarding certain aspects of the monetisation methodology used. Considering the above, a review has been announced for 2017 in the framework of the Energy Union Package and features in the Commission’s Low Emission Mobility Strategy Action Plan. The initiative contributes to the 3rd Commission General Objective i.e “A resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking Climate Change Policy”.
To read to the full Inception Impact Assessment, please click here.
Source: European Commission
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